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Meredith Bowling: Embracing Diversity: Spotlight on LGBTQI Leaders in Long Beach

What initially attracted you to Long Beach as a place to live and build a community? Can you share a bit about your journey and what made you choose this vibrant city?

As someone who was born and raised in Long Beach, I already had the courage and confidence to envision starting a family in this city. I knew from my own experiences that Long Beach was welcoming and inclusive, particularly towards lesbian families like mine. However, my wife had her own journey to overcome the challenges and conditioning of her upbringing in a less diverse city. Long Beach provided her with the opportunity to break free from those barriers and embrace a more open and accepting environment.
Enrolling our two daughters in schools within the LB Unified School District has been a positive experience for our family. The schools have been incredibly supportive, offering resources and assistance that have contributed to our children’s growth and development.

How do you and your family typically celebrate Gay Pride Month in Long Beach? Are there any local events or traditions that hold a special significance for you?

We really enjoy the parade and decked out in every rainbow item we have and the swage we buy or are given on the route. We love how the parade is kid friendly and for all people. This is the time that our daughters get to see how our city is supportive of their moms and our family. They know how important it is to us to come out and celebrate our diversity and I love how they are there to support their gay moms.

How have you experienced the inclusivity of Long Beach in your personal and professional life? Are there any specific instances or initiatives that stand out to you?

We have always felt like just another family going through our routine and by our existence are showing the world our Lesbian lifestyle is no anomaly. There was a time when I was enrolling my oldest daughter into preschool when I told the school that I was nervous about our child being in school and having two moms. The school told us that we are not the only gay parents and that being in Long Beach we had nothing to worry about. They were correct and still are.

Can you tell us about any local organizations or resources in Long Beach that have been instrumental in supporting the LGBTQI community? How have they impacted your life or the lives of others you know?

As a birth worker in Long Beach and the owner of Long Beach Birth Center, I network with LGBTQI birth workers in Long Beach to provide support groups, family groups, all gender childbirth classes for our clients. There are so many birth workers who support our community.

In your professional life, how do you navigate and embrace your LGBTQI identity within your industry? Are there any unique opportunities or challenges that you have encountered as a leader in your field?

As the owner of Long Beach Birth Center, I am providing care for our birthing families in Long Beach who may have never felt comfortable or accepted in a medical setting. We provide inclusive care and a safe space for our LGBTQI community. When I was giving birth to my first daughter, there really weren’t many resources for LGTBQI couples having children. I was so lucky to find a childbirth class that was kind and understanding to us. However, we had a harder time with the hospital and our provider. They really didn’t take the time to know who were whereas a family. I love how I can support our birthing families and provide the understanding I didn’t have when I started a family.

Are there any LGBTQI-friendly places or events in Long Beach that you would recommend to others? Can you share your favorite sports or activities that you enjoy with your family in the city?

We love Long Beach and all it has to offer LGBTQI families. Our family is highly involved with CampFire USA in Long Beach. They provided me as a child and teen in Long Beach a safe place for me to be myself and I was able to create many lifelong friends along the way there. Since CampFire USA was such a huge influence to me I knew my children would also be part of it. Both our daughters have been in Camp Fire since kindergarten, and I have been an active volunteer as a club leader for 10 years. It is an amazing youth organization that teaches kids to become leaders, learn what makes them spark and gain tools for growth and understanding and a place to become one with nature.

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