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Angelo Dickens II: Little big city vibes

When it comes to real estate, Angelo Dickens II is defined by a rare sense of selflessness and a superior work ethic. As a veteran of the U.S. Navy, Angelo brings a strong sense of loyalty and efficiency to the industry, working diligently to ensure his clients are involved in each step of the process and receive optimal analytics and insight. 


Let’s learn a bit more about Angelo Dickens II…


What first brought you here to Long Beach, and more importantly, what keeps you here? 

What brought me here to Long Beach was its little-big city vibes similar to where I grew up in Cleveland. I also like that it’s a diverse beach city!


What do you think surprises people most about Long Beach and the surrounding area? 

I think people are surprised how massive in size it is, and how many different neighborhoods there are in close proximity to each other.


As a parent, what was your experience harmonizing fatherhood while discovering your current passion as a realtor?

My experience integrating real estate into my family life was a hustle, bustle, and growing pains experience. It does take a lot of upfront energy, but with time you’ll carve out a niche for yourself to find some balance. I’ve learned to take my son with me on my real estate outings and dealings, and just embrace it! Real estate drew me in on a personal level as a consumer of it. When I was looking for a career change it seemed like a natural fit for me that I enjoyed from the beginning. 


We often hear that the fastest way to build personal wealth is to buy a home. What are the top 3 tips that you’d give to help someone make the leap from renting to purchasing a home? 

That’s a very true statement, and I’ve created many panel discussions on this topic. My tips in order are: Buy a Duplex as your first property, Buy an Out-of-State investment property, and don’t be afraid to start small to grow into your ultimate long-term dream home!


This pandemic has taught us all the importance of loving our homes due to spending a LOT of time in our homes. What do you think is the most important factor to consider when purchasing a home for the first time and/or upgrading or purchasing a new home? 

Buy a home in the LOCATION that is most important to you. Buy a property where you can build your own sweat equity, and do your own upgrades. Always keep in mind resale value when you’re doing any improvements. 


What is the biggest mistake people make when trying to sell their home? 

Biggest obvious mistakes are overpricing, and not decluttering the property. You never get a 2nd…1st impression!


What is the easiest and cheapest thing that sellers can do to their home that will have the greatest impact? 

By far is investing into your curb appeal! Start there, and rest will follow into place.


How important do you think staging is to the selling process, and what are your top 3 tips? 

Staging is a big industry for sure. I’ve only done one full house staging project, and it paid HUGE dividends! Not every house needs a full house stage though. My top 3 tips: save money and use your own decor, make your retreat spaces look attractive like the bathroom/bedroom/living room/yard spaces, and lastly keep it clean and simple.


What questions do you think buyers should consider that they’re most often overlooking? 

Buyers should ask how much money is needed to get into their ideal desired home, and what are the up and coming areas to look in.


For families looking to purchase a second home as a long-term investment opportunity, would you recommend a vacation home for personal and short-term rental use, or a long-term rental?

I would suggest getting your feet wet at being a Landlord, and let your first investment property be a long-term rental. Learn the basics first, and then diversify into an Airbnb type investment which does have a very high-reward return if bought in a savvy location.


Self care is a must have for busy entrepreneurs; what are your hobbies and how do they help you reset? 

I love to walk, hike, go to the beach, and have family adventures! I enjoy watching sports, and hanging out with friends when I have the downtime for it.


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