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Long Beach Moms Guide: Back to School Part 1: The Mental

The start of the school year is always a time of excitement and anticipation, but this year it is even more intense. Some students will be returning to school for the first time in over a year. All will be returning to an environment different from the one they left. Luckily, there are a lot of things we can do to ease the transition and make it fun and comfortable for our kids. Read on for ideas to help get your kids’ heads in the game.

Provide routine and structure
Solid structure helps kids feel comfortable and confident. You can be a source of stability to support them in this wild time by making sure that your expectations are clear.

Practical tip: Start the morning school day routine a week or two before school starts. Have your children begin waking up at their usual school time, eat breakfast, brush teeth and hair, get dressed, etc. Though it may be tempting to squeeze the last bit out of summer by letting them sleep in, getting this routine in place now will help make the transition to school less chaotic.

Acknowledge worries about change
Things will be different when the kids go back to school. New teachers, new classroom rules, and new COVID precautions are all sources of stress. Talking to your children about their worries can help alleviate anxiety. Note: If you are an LBUSD parent check out the LBUSD Family Guide to School Opening for information about the upcoming school year.

Practical tip: Find a way that you, as a family, can connect. If you haven’t been having family meals together during the pandemic, try it now. Or build time into your kids’ bedtime routines to debrief about their days.

Help them strengthen their social muscles
Let’s face it—most of us have reduced our socializing since the beginning of the pandemic, kids included. Therefore, it’s important that they practice navigating social interactions in order to ease back into normal school life.

Practical tip: Plan a few playdates with classmates before school starts. You can do this safely by meeting up outdoors (check out our playground guides for ideas about where to visit), wearing masks, and frequently washing hands.

If you feel you and your kids need professional help to manage the anxiety of the back to school season, you can find vetted mental health resources here.

Learn all about uniforms and supplies here.

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