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Long Beach Moms Guide: Get Your Family Earthquake Ready

Did you feel it? That jostle on Friday night was unnerving for many of us, and we are all grateful that it didn’t cause any significant damage or injury. Smaller earthquakes like that are good reminders that we need to be prepared for larger ones.

Whether you are new to the area or need a bit of a refresher, the Red Cross has some key earthquake preparedness information here.

The most important thing to do when the earth starts moving is to:


You can, and should, practice this often with all members of your household. And remember, though you may have been taught differently in the past, doorways are no stronger than any other part of a building. During an earthquake, if possible, get under a sturdy piece of furniture and hold on.

Beyond this, there are three simple actions you can take today to place your family in a better position if and when a disaster does strike.


First, make a plan

It’s important that each family member knows what to do in the case of an emergency—who to call, where to go, what to do. Discuss with your household members how to respond to the types of emergencies that are most likely to happen here in Long Beach (earthquakes, fire, severe weather, etc.). Have each person identify their role and responsibilities, and then practice as many parts of the plan as possible.

If you’d like to involve your children in planning—and we recommend you do—the Red Cross has disaster preparedness materials for kids of all age groups.

For detailed preparation ideas and pre-made templates to create a plan that is right for you and your family visit


Next, create an emergency kit

We know, we know…creating, and then maintaining, an emergency kit can be overwhelming. But it is one of the most important ways that you can ensure the safety and comfort of your family in a disaster. There are many pre-made lists online to help you assemble your kit. Be sure to think about the needs of your family. Have a little one? Make sure you have extra formula, diapers, wipes, and maybe even a baby carrier at hand. Does your household have pets? They will need food, leashes, poop bags, etc., so be certain your kit is stocked. Other key items you might need include important identifying documents, prescriptions and medications, phone and other chargers, and cash. You might also put in some toys/activities to help keep spirits up.


Finally, gather information

In the chaos of a disaster, you want information NOW. One way to get this is to sign up now for alerts through Alert Long Beach.

You can also gather other essential information ahead of time. For example, do you know how to turn off the main power and gas to your house? For gas, usually there is a metal tool, which you can keep near the meter. Water turn off is usually a main knob and/or sidewalk area access.

It’s never pleasant to think about bad things happening, but knowing what to do in a bad situation is one way to ensure that you and your family stay safe if the worst comes to pass.

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