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Spring Cleaning Your Life

By: Agnieszka (“Agie”) Askov, Askov Estate Planning

Spring has sprung, the flowers are blooming, and the clocks have been adjusted (although my baby got the wrong memo and is now waking earlier than ever). Now that we have finally recovered from the holiday madness that consumes us October through December, many of us are beginning our annual spring cleaning—purging of outgrown toys and clothes and things you bought on Amazon that it turns our you did not actually need. Tax season also brings a financial cleaning of sorts, gathering of information for potential write-offs and budgeting which debt the refund will pay. 

This season of renewal often propels us to take a look at our lives from the perspective of refreshing, refining, and planning. We identify what no longer serves us, what brings us joy, and which worries need to be dealt with. One of our biggest worries as parents, of course, is our kiddos and their wellbeing if anything were to happen to us. 

Did you know that you can put together a document called a Guardian Nomination to designate who would take care of your kids if you were unable to? By having this in place, you can avoid any dealings with social services and ensure that toxic family members have no part in raising your kids. Consider using that tax refund to purchase a life insurance policy, ensuring immediate funds available for the care of your family. 

Spring is a great time to use this burst of energy to clean up uncertainties by looking at what is most important to you and planning accordingly. You don’t have to do it alone. At Askov Estate Planning, we guide you through the process and create a plan that puts your mind at ease. Get extreme with your adulting and contact us today for a free consultation. 



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