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Entice Me

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Tiffany is the founder and Chief Sexinista of Entice Me and Sexy Survivors. She is known in the wellness world as the sex toy scientist and orgasm guru, as she is an expert on chemicals and toxins in sexual wellness products. She believes that orgasms can change the world and that if everyone had more orgasms we could have world peace. Her goal is to close the pleasure gap between the sexes and empower women to embrace their sexual power.

She loves to help couples connect so that they can fully support each other and experience blissful intimacy throughout life.

Through workshops, events, speaking engagements, coaching, and consultations, Tiffany helps both men and women feel sexier in and out of the bedroom.

For over 20 years Tiffany has immersed herself into learning adjacent to the top sexual medicine practitioners in the country to extensively learn about the anatomy of human sexuality and sexual pleasure.

She continues to embark on new experiences to bring provocative knowledge to Make it a Sexier World.

She is active with NAASAS-(National Association for the Advancement of Science and Art in Sexuality), STEM-(Sex Therapy, Education and Medicine), PSFM-(Pelvic Floor Sexual Medicine),  Women’s Impact Council of OC, and The Women of Sex Tech.

“It is important to open up conversations about sex and pleasure. Sex is a huge part of our lives and we haven’t been taught to discuss it. I often found that the sexual concerns I had experienced were not unique to me, but quite common. Concerns like not being able to orgasm, pelvic floor dysfunction, body-image issues, and irritating products..

I look forward to continuing this conversation! ” – Tiffany

Entice Me


Email me! [email protected]

Facebook: Tiffany.yelverton

Instagram: @enticemesoirees

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